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Сезон 1 SHIZA Project 01 Our Confession Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me 1 cезон02 Our First Date Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me 1 cезон03 My Surprise For You Story 1 cезон04 Our Jealousy Story: The Inexperienced You Gets Jealous of the Experienced You 1 cезон05 Our Dating Story: The Inexperienced Me Spends the Night with the Experienced You 1 cезон06 Our Cheating Story: The Experienced You Cheats with an Experienced Someone Else? 1 cезон07 Our Festival Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Go to a Summer Festival 1 cезон08 Our Survival Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Us Play Survival Games 1 cезон09 Our Running Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Run Together 1 cезон10 Our Different Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Go Different Ways 1 cезон11 Our Breakup Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Break Up 1 cезон12 Our Experience Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Get Experienced 1 cезон
12 Our Experience Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Get Experienced 1 cезон01 Our Confession Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me 1 cезон02 Our First Date Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me 1 cезон03 My Surprise For You Story 1 cезон04 Our Jealousy Story: The Inexperienced You Gets Jealous of the Experienced You 1 cезон05 Our Dating Story: The Inexperienced Me Spends the Night with the Experienced You 1 cезон06 Our Cheating Story: The Experienced You Cheats with an Experienced Someone Else? 1 cезон07 Our Festival Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Go to a Summer Festival 1 cезон08 Our Survival Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Us Play Survival Games 1 cезон09 Our Running Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Run Together 1 cезон10 Our Different Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Go Different Ways 1 cезон11 Our Breakup Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Break Up 1 cезон12 Our Experience Story: The Experienced You and the Inexperienced Me Get Experienced 1 cезонСезон 1 SHIZA Project Сезон 1 SHIZA Project SHIZA ProjectAniDUBAniLibria.TVAniMauntDreamCastAniBazaAniStarSHIZA Project
Проиграв спор одноклассникам, угрюмый интроверт Рюто Касима, влюблённый в красавицу Руну Сиракаву, признаётся ей в своих чувствах. Постепенно между этими разными и в чём-то похожими людьми зарождаются романтические отношения.